The life you have led doesn't need to be the only life you have.
Anna Quindlen
my past adventures - been here, done this

Football. My first act of inspiration and my first big life adventure. A passion was born. Natural talent as a team captain gradually emerged thru teamplay.

As with Football, school showed I had a talent for learning as well. It lead me all the way to graduating from Business School in 1992, be it not the easy way.

After graduation I embarked on my first real travel adventure. Together with two college buddies I backpacked thru the USA and Central America for 3 months.

Business As Usual did not agree with me really. One challenge after another. I needed to change course, and in 1996 an opportunity presented itself: I.O.N.S.

After my return I started to explore other, more intuitive, social and holistic trends in work/life - still clueless yet slowly carving out a new path as I went along.

I did find myself in a No Man's Land for the next few years. Had one great last experience with the DalaiLamaVisit '99, before my inevitable burn-out in 2000.

I was lost for a good while but was able at some point to find true parts of myself again, which in 2001 resulted in the birth of KAYOO, my source of inspiration.

At around the same time I fell head over heels in love with the beauty of chalk art, prompted by an accidental visit to a Chalk Art Festival in the USA, in 2001.

My new path became clearer. I parted in 2005 with my last job at the GreatPlace ToWorkInstitute NL, leaving behind the seed for the birth of GreatPlaceToLive.

With KAYOO now as my compass and carrier, I wanted to focus more and more on ideas & projects to inspire myself and possibly others. i.e. the Kayoostore.

Meanwhile ever since my first kayoo street art project in 2003, my pavement art hobby kept growing organically, and I therefore started

My Kayoostore concept became deVIPstore (Very Inspiring People), and the shop became an SRV-truck. The start of another educational journey.

One of my wildest and for sure most unexpected kayoo adventures at the time was with this giant Legoman. He became a worldwide phenomenon.

A fun side project was the launch and hosting of the Soulfood Cinema Cafe, a monthly movies-that-matter sunday brunch to screen inspiring films & clips.

Still there were more ideas & projects, such as KJUUB - the Fun Furniture Project, that gave birth to a new product idea, the Mister Sticky XL Note Pad.

A cool adventure was my first Guinness World Records project, setting a new world (team)record at 750m2 for Largest 3D Anamorphic Pavement Art in 2009.

in 2010, after de VIP-truck adventure had long run its course, I made another yet unsuccessful attempt at launching the Kayoo Personal Brand Store.

From then on I decided to focus fully on my street painting activities with my personal brand Planet Streetpainting to see where it would take me.

Ego Leonard meets 3D Street Art: The Terracotta Lego Army 2011 project. A significant artwork that meanwhile has become an iconic piece in 3D street art.

Gesso - The Art of Street Painting. Self-produced Cultural Heritage film project about the past, present and future of modern day street painting.

Creator and Director of the World's First 3D Street Art Festival, in Lelystad 2011, featuring top 3D artists from Italy, Germany, Holland, Mexico and the US.

Wildcard Charity project XXL for the The Ocean Clean Up initiative at SAIL2015 / Green Ocean in Amsterdam, a great collaboration with Stichting NDSM Werf.

In 2020 and 2021 covid brought everything to a complete standstill. Inside and out. Time to heal and nurture myself and go back to basics, stand still.

Collaboration with the city of Vukovar in Croatia to bring color and beauty to this town that was heavily traumatised in the 1991 battle during the Yugoslavian war.

Recently joined the crew of Kees, hosting and tending bar on a parttime basis, adjusting to work life again and earning a basic living.

Over the past 20 years I was fortunate to spread the beauty&joy of Street Painting to more than 20 countries, leaving imprints on people and places.

Happy to meet & greet you in present times for new explorations. Let's connect, contribute, collaborate and cocreate!